Birdseed Bags - Todd Roeth

Birdseed Bags

For Christmas, my father, mother, and I (with big help of a cousin, Letty, a great seamstress who is generous with her talents and her industrial strength sewing machine) collaborated to give these bags to my sister, Claire and her sister Elise. I did the least amount of work; I just saw the bird seed bags my dad was unloading from his truck and told him not throw them away. Then explained to my mother that I needed her help to make bags out of them and traced the outline with my finger on an empty bag. My dad, who sourced the materials, fills his bird feeders in the winter with this particular brand of seed from his favorite store Tractor Supply Co.. My mother went to task making the pattern, before our cousin offered to do the sewing. As an added bonus, when each bag was done, there was only one small strip of material left, effectively making use of an entire 35 lb bag of wild bird seed for each bag.

Birdseed Bags - Todd Roeth