Running with The Dogs (Doing Time, Parts 1 & 2)

Running with The Dogs (Doing Time, Parts 1 & 2) from Todd Roeth on Vimeo.

I rendezvoused for a week in California for a leg (and a dog-leg to North Fork) of mighty rambling with The Four Crazy Bitches []. I had many reasons to visit there at that moment: The birth of a God Daughter, the joining and rejoining of friends, and to refill my cup with the ideas and people I love, to help remind me of what and why and who I am, and to connect the characters of my story with each other, and to maintain my own bond with each. We roamed through the Golden State for a week, at once revisiting my past and using those landscapes and memories to sow the seeds of an even more adventurous and exciting future.

Sometimes in life, when all of your seemingly disconnected past seems to have served a purpose, as part of a future plan, of time well spent and served, the world opens up; if even for a fleeting moment to allow the sun to shine in and the right people to find you, and you to discover them in the winding paths of our wilderness.

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